Frequently looked-up verbs
This exercise presents verbs that students look up frequently. Translate each of the following sentences. Don’t take the scoring of this exercise too seriously: of course a computer program can’t do a good job of evaluating a translation.
Oft wē storma ġebīdað and rēðra winda.
wuniað on Lundenbyriġ.
Hīe noldon þā etan þone hlāf, ac hīe wyllað nū drincan þæt bēor.
wāt þæt iċ sceolde cȳðan mīnne naman þām cyninge.
Se cyning mē benam mīnes landes.
Ǣlċ man sceal sweltan; hē bið lifiende sceorte hwīle.
mōton þurh þisne fenne wadan.
Ne dorstewunian on þām eorðscræfe.
Þā þūhte him þæt eall þes middaneard wǣre his āgen ǣht.
Þes eorl is ġeweorðod ofer ealle ōðre eorlas.
God ġeswutelað his dīgelnyssa ðām ðe hine lufiað.
Uton hicgan þæt wē hȳrsume bēon ūrum hlāfordum.
Hēo hogode ġeorne þæt hēo hire mæġðhād ġehēolde.
Þȳ ġēare wearð miċel ġefeoht on Norðhymbra lande.
God ġeworhte heofonas and eorðan.
mōton ǣlċe dæġe ūres metes brūcan mid forhæfdnesse.
Man sceal secgan þæt sōð is.
Hīe ongunnon þā rōwan, and hīe forðweard wǣron on heora weġ.
fērde tō Lundene and bohte fela þinga.
Hē wolde þæs dracan hord ġesēċan.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Translate this sentence in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
You have finished the exercise on frequently looked up verbs. If you earned fewer than 70 points, review the verbs that are the object of this exercise and come back for another try.
You can earn 0 points for this task.
Task 0 of 0. Total score: 0