Can you recognize alliterations and distinguish between significant and incidental alliteration? For each of the twelve poetic lines that make up this exercise, click the lifts (syllables, not words) that alliterate.
men ofer moldan   ond eall þēos re ġesceaft
     (Dream of the Rood 11)
sculon herġan   heofonċes weard
     (Cædmon’s Hymn 1)
Be þām man mihte oncnāwan   þæt se cniht nolde
     (Battle of Maldon 4)
Ne sceole ġē swā sōfte   sinc ġegangan
     (Battle of Maldon 59)
frēondscype fremman.   Hine fǣhþo ādrāf
     (Husband’s Message 19)
ǣnġes ofer eorþan   eorlġestrēona
     (Husband’s Message 47)
ofer ðīoda   þonne ēow þearf sīe
     (Boethius on Fame 69)
Hwā wāt þæs san   landes bān
     (Boethius on Fame 74)
wenian mid wynnum.   Wāt se þe cunnað
     (Wanderer 29)
þām þe him lȳt hafað   lēofra geholena
     (Wanderer 31)
ōwiht elles.   Eft is þæt onhworfen
     (Wife’s Lament 23)
sinsorgna ġedreag.    æt him sylfum ġelong
     (Wife’s Lament 45)
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
Click on each syllable that alliterates in this line of poetry. Ignore incidental alliteration.
This is the end of the exercise. If you earned fewer than 23 points, review Introduction to Old English, §13.1, and come back for another try.
You can earn 0 points for this task.
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