Nouns and their modifiers
This exercise will test your knowledge of how pronouns and adjectives agree with nouns—a topic discussed in Introduction to Old English, §11.4. Carefully read each of the twelve simple sentences in the exercise. Drag the most appropriate word or words into the blank(s) and then translate.
Orosius sǣde þæt ūre Dryhten ____________ ǣrestan mon swīþe ____________ ġesceōpe.
Hwæt, iċ becōm nū tō ðē swā swā tō ____________ fæder.
Nis nāðor ne gold ne seolfor wið ____________ mannes frēondscipe wiðmeten.
Hwȳ is þæt þæt maniġ ____________ man lifað lange, and maniġ ____________ mann sōna swelt
Þā cwæð ____________ wīf, ‘God ūs forbēad ____________ trēowes wæstm’.
Āwend þīne ēagan fram ____________ ġesihðe.
Heo sōna ārās mid miċle eġe āfyrhted and arn____________ fǣmnan.
Ðā cwæð hē, ‘hwȳ ascast ðū ____________ naman?’
Þū bǣde mē þæt iċ sceolde āwendan of Lǣdene on Englisc ____________ bōc Genesis.
Se ðe on ____________ þinge bið ġetrēowe, se bið ġetrēowe on ðām ____________ þinge.
Nǣfre bið on helle swā miċel wynsumnes swā ____________ fugeles sweġ.
Iċ ġedō þæt ____________ wīf bēoð wydewan and ____________ bearn bēoð stēopċild.
Drag the best red word into the red blank and the best blue word into the blue blank.
se þone þæs þām
gōd gōdne gōdes gōdum
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the most appropriate word into the blank.
gōd gōdne gōdes gōdum
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the most appropriate word into the blank.
gōd gōdne gōdes gōdum
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the best red word into the red blank and the best blue word into the blue blank.
yfel yfelne yfles yflum
gōd gōdne gōdes gōdum
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the best red word into the red blank and the best blue word into the blue blank.
se þæt sēo
þæs þǣre
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the most appropriate word into the blank.
yfel yfele yfelre
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the most appropriate word into the blank.
þām þǣre
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the most appropriate word into the blank.
mīnne mīn mīne
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the most appropriate word into the blank.
þone þæt þā
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the best red word into the red blank and the best blue word into the blue blank.
lȳtel lȳtles lȳtlum
māra māre māran
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the most appropriate word into the blank.
ānes lȳtles ānre lȳtelre
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
Drag the best red word into the red blank and the best blue word into the blue blank.
ēowre ēowru ēowra
ēowre ēowru ēowra
Now translate the text in the box below. Afterwards you will be shown a correct translation, and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available to your instructor.
This is the end of the exercise. If you earned fewer than 54 points, review Introduction to Old English §11.4 and then come back for another try.
You can earn 0 points for this task.
Task 0 of 0. Total score: 0