Find the adjectives
This short exercise, based on Minitext D from Chapter 8 of Introduction to Old English, will drill you in recognizing and understanding adjectives. First read the text carefully. Then click on each adjective, and for each one select the correct case, number and translation from the boxes below.
[1] secge ēac ðē, brōðor Ēadweard, ðū þisses bǣde, þæt ġē dōð unrihtlīċe þæt ġē ðā Engliscan þēawas forlǣtað þe ēowre fæderas hēoldon and hǣðenra manna þēawas lufiað, þe ēow ðæs līfes ne unnon, [2] and mid ðām ġeswuteliað þæt ġē forsēoð ēower cynn and ēowre yldran mid þām unþēawum, þonne ġē him on tēonan tysliað ēow on Denisc, ābleredum hneccan and āblendum ēagum. [3] Ne secge māre embe ðā sceandlican tyslunge, būton þæt ūs secgað bēċ þæt se bēo āmānsumod þe hǣðenra manna þēawas hylt on his līfe and his āgen cynn unwurþað mid þām.
Find the adjectives; indicate their case and number and choose the best translation.
  • nominative
  • accusative
  • genitive
  • dative
  • singular
  • plural
  • bare
  • blind
  • Danish
  • English
  • heathen
  • more
  • own
  • shameful
  • your
You’ve (finally!) come to the end of the exercise. If you earned fewer than 35 points, review Introduction to Old English Chapter 8, read the minitext again, and then come back to try this exercise again.
You can earn 0 points for this task.
Task 0 of 0. Total score: 0