Paradigm drill — bēon, dōn, gān, willan

This exercise drills you on the forms of the most common anomalous verbs: bēon, dōn, gān and willan. As you will encounter these verbs in nearly every reading, you should take great care to commit their forms to memory.

As with the other “drill” exercises, you should aim for a perfect score, and repeat it until you can do it perfectly.

This is the end of the exercise. If you didn't get a score of 36, study Introduction to Old English §§7.1.3 and 7.7 and repeat this exercise until you can do it perfectly.
‘to be’ (1) present past
singular plural singular plural
1st person __________ hīe __________ __________ ġē __________
2nd person þū __________ þū __________
3rd person __________ hēo __________
‘to be’ (2) present
singular plural
1st person __________ ġē __________
2nd person þū __________
3rd person hēo __________
‘go’ present past
singular plural singular plural
1st person __________ hīe __________ __________ __________
2nd person þū __________ þū __________
3rd person __________ hēo __________
‘do’ present past
singular plural singular plural
1st person __________ __________ __________ ġē __________
2nd person þū __________ þū __________
3rd person hit __________ __________
‘will’ present past
singular plural singular plural
1st person __________ __________ __________ hīe __________
2nd person þū __________ þū __________
3rd person hēo __________ __________
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this verb paradigm.
x4922eart x1305is x2404wǣre x2406wæs
x5776eom x2364sind x2402wǣron x2406wæs
These are the b forms of the verb bēon (present only). Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this verb paradigm.
x5776bēo x4922bist
x2364bēoð x1305bið
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this verb paradigm.
x2406ēode x2402ēodon x5776 x4922gǣst
x2406ēode x2404ēodest x2364gāð x1305gǣð
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this verb paradigm.
x4922dēst x5776 x2406dyde x2404dydest
x1305dēð x2364dōð x2406dyde x2402dydon
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this verb paradigm.
x1305wile x5776wille x2406wolde x2404woldest
x2364willað x4922wilt x2406wolde x2402woldon
You can earn 0 points for this task.
Task 0 of 0. Total score: 0