Noun paradigm drill (1)

Put away your book; navigate away from that website! This exercise drills you to find out how well you have learned the noun paradigms in Introduction to Old English §6.1.

Your goal should be to get a perfect score. Repeat this exercise until you do!

This is the end of the exercise. If you didn't get a score of 64, study Introduction to Old English §6.1 and repeat this exercise until you can do it perfectly.
masc. ‘king’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
neut. ‘word’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
fem. ‘deed’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
neut. ‘ship’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
fem. ‘gift’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
masc. ‘man’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
fem. ‘heart’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
neut. ‘eye’ singular plural
nominative __________ __________
accusative __________ __________
genitive __________ __________
dative __________ __________
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x4922cyning x5776cyninga x2406cyningas x2364cyninge x8758cyninges x1305cyningum
x4922cyning x5776cyninga x2406cyningas x2364cyninge x8758cyninges x1305cyningum
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x7395word x7395word x9736wordes x6480worde x2853worda x9423wordum
x7395word x7395word x9736wordes x6480worde x2853worda x9423wordum
x7395word x7395word x9736wordes x6480worde x2853worda x9423wordum
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x9261dǣd x5735dǣda x2408dǣde x5841dǣdum
x9261dǣd x5735dǣda x2408dǣde x5841dǣdum
x9261dǣd x5735dǣda x2408dǣde x5841dǣdum
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x8141scip x7120scipa x5351scipe x5075scipes x1529scipu x4720scipum
x8141scip x7120scipa x5351scipe x5075scipes x1529scipu x4720scipum
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x6683ġifa x6533ġife x6533ġife x9574ġifu x9605ġifum
x6683ġifa x6533ġife x6533ġife x9574ġifu x9605ġifum
x6683ġifa x6533ġife x6533ġife x9574ġifu x9605ġifum
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x7446guma x8294guman x8294guman x6964gumena x1198gumum
x7446guma x8294guman x8294guman x6964gumena x1198gumum
x7446guma x8294guman x8294guman x6964gumena x1198gumum
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x4227heortan x4227heortan x5976heorte x2911heortena x8698heortum
x4227heortan x4227heortan x5976heorte x2911heortena x8698heortum
x4227heortan x4227heortan x5976heorte x2911heortena x8698heortum
Drag tiles from the collection below into the right places in this noun paradigm. You’ll have tiles left over at the end of the task.
x4459ēagan x4459ēagan x3741ēage x6741ēagena x9084ēagum
x4459ēagan x4459ēagan x3741ēage x6741ēagena x9084ēagum
x4459ēagan x4459ēagan x3741ēage x6741ēagena x9084ēagum
You can earn 0 points for this task.
Task 0 of 0. Total score: 0