Several nouns that occur frequently belong to declensions that
contain very few words, as explained in Introduction to Old
English §6.3. This exercise should acquaint you with some
common nouns whose inflections may cause difficulty. For each
highlighted noun or noun phrase, indicate its case and number.
Ēadgȳð is mīn sweostor, mīnes fæder dohtor.
Þā fēng Cynriċ tō þām rīċe and hēold seofontȳne
Ēadweard lǣfde þæt sweord his yldestan suna.
Se Iacob ġestrȳnde twelf suna.
Siġerōfe hæleþ ēodon þā tō healle.
Se hæle bēotode ymbe his ellen.
Þes hæleþ hæfð gōd sweord.
Iċ rehte sylliċ spell mīnum brēðer.
Iobes þrēo dohtor wǣron ācwealde.
Se earga cempa flēah tō wuda.
Wē etað ċȳse and ǣġru and fisc.
Se cniht hylt ān spere on his handa.
Sēo cwēn āhof ūp hire handa.
Þā brōðor sǣton on þǣre benċe.
Þæs ymb twēġen mōnaþ ġefeaht Ælfred cyning wiþ þone
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
What are the case and number of the highlighted noun or noun phrase?
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
This is the end of the exercise. If you earned fewer than 24 points,
review Introduction to Old English § 6.3, on minor declensions,
and then come back and try this exercise again.