This exercise will test your ability to translate the various
uses of the dative case. You will translate fourteen
sentences, and after each one you will be shown a correct
translation. If your account is linked to an instructor’s
account, your translation will be available to your
Don’t take the scoring of this exercise too seriously: of
course a computer program can’t do a good job of evaluating a
Aidan bodode Godes word þām cyninge.
Se ċeorl wearð ācweald ætforan þām cyninge.
Þā bær man þām cyninge cyneliċe þēnunga.
Þā cōm sēo cwēn on ǣfenne hām tō þām cyninge.
Sum ealdorman wæs on Mierċna lande, swīðe lēof þām cyninge.
Heofona rīċe is ġelīċ þām cyninge þe macode his suna
Salomon ēac forġeaf þǣre cwēne swā hwæs swā
hēo ġyrnde æt him.
Þā ēodon þā būrðēnas and ābudon þǣre cwēne þæs cyninges hǣse.
Se cyning Asuerus swīþe blīðe wæs mid þǣre cwēne Hester.
Se þeġn betǣhte his ǣhta þǣre cwēne tō hæbbenne.
Se ġerēfa ofslōh þone wīċing mid sweorde.
Āwyrġed bið se man se ðe wyrnð his sweorde blōdes.
Hē āþēnede his swūran under þām sweorde.
Ġewritu secgað þæt hē wǣre mid sweorde þurhstungen.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.
Translate this text in the box below. Afterwards, you will be shown a correct translation,
and if your account is linked to an instructor’s account, your translation will be available
to your instructor.