Pronunciation: g
In editions for students we distinguish between dotted and undotted g. But there are actually four ways to pronounce this letter, as explained in Introduction to Old English §2.3. Each of the words in this exercise contains one instance of g. For each, choose the correct pronunciation. To make the exercise more interesting, dots over g are omitted.
galan sing geondþencan ponder giedd song, tale glēo merriment, music
gōd good gnornian mourn grēot earth, sand ælmihtig almighty
bēag ring bēagas (pl.) burg fortress, city byrig (dat.)
costnung temptation dæg day dagas days dōgor day
fāg variegated, adorned hālig holy sorg sorrow hrægl garment
strengra stronger strengo strength strang strong sweg sound
þing thing sweng blow hangian hang sang song
singan sing neorxnawang paradise āwyrgan curse būrgeteld tent
geþēode language earg wretched, vile hergian plunder, harry herge praise (subjunctive)
wērig weary wērgum (dat). engel angel englas angels
lang long lengra longer hringas rings þegn servant, retainer
āgan own ǣghwylc each brōga terror lāgon lay (past pl.)
læg lay (past sg.) slōgon struck (pl.) wīgend warrior duguþ warband
segen seen gesihð sight magon may (pl.) mæg may (sg.)
ǣnig any ǣnigum any (dat). gēotan pour gūþ battle
gyrdan gird gyrd rod, staff gylt guilt gyst stranger, guest
gæst stranger, guest gearo ready geat gate gatu gates
For each word in this list, indicate the correct pronunciation of the g it contains.
  • voiced stop, as in Modern English ‘good’
  • semivowel, as in Modern English ‘yes’
  • voiced affricate (as in Modern English impinge)
  • voiced spirant ([ɣ], as in some dialects of Dutch)
For each word in this list, indicate the correct pronunciation of the g it contains.
  • voiced stop, as in Modern English ‘good’
  • semivowel, as in Modern English ‘yes’
  • voiced affricate (as in Modern English impinge)
  • voiced spirant ([ɣ], as in some dialects of Dutch)
For each word in this list, indicate the correct pronunciation of the g it contains.
  • voiced stop, as in Modern English ‘good’
  • semivowel, as in Modern English ‘yes’
  • voiced affricate (as in Modern English impinge)
  • voiced spirant ([ɣ], as in some dialects of Dutch)
For each word in this list, indicate the correct pronunciation of the g it contains.
  • voiced stop, as in Modern English ‘good’
  • semivowel, as in Modern English ‘yes’
  • voiced affricate (as in Modern English impinge)
  • voiced spirant ([ɣ], as in some dialects of Dutch)
If you earned fewer than 54 points on this exercise, review Introduction to Old English §2.3 and then come back and try again.
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